Aravind Profile Pictore

Hey, I'm Aravind Gunasekaran!
I'm a student at Carnegie Mellon University majoring in Electrical and Computer Engineering and minoring in Robotics

About Me

I am a student at Carnegie Mellon University majoring in Electrical and Computer Engineering and minoring in Robotics.

I am a software developer with experience in web development and programming languages like Python, Java, and TypeScript. I am passionate about building software that solves real-world problems and enhances user experience.



Software Engineer Intern @ ManageBetter

Seattle, WA

Refactored legacy code from JavaScript to TypeScript, enhancing code maintainability and type safety. Integrated local storage functionality to save user data, boosting application efficiency and user experience. Implemented a new end to end testing framework by utilizing Cypress.js, improving test coverage and reliability.

Jun 2024 - Aug 2024

Undergraduate Researcher @ Carnegie Mellon University: College of Engineering

Pittsburgh, PA

Developed an algorithm to assess the accuracy of an automated segmentation tool against manual measurements for hemodynamics in mouse, sheep, and human lungs with pulmonary hypertension using Python, 3D Slicer, and ClearMap.

Jun 2024 - Present

Energetics/Race Operations System Lead @ Carnegie Mellon Racing

Pittsburgh, PA

Leading a team to build a vehicle alignment rig for 25e to reduce alignment time by over 90%. Designed on a Voltage-Temperature Sense Board for the Low Voltage Battery (24V) for 24e.

Aug 2023 - Present

Student @ Carnegie Mellon University

Pittsburgh, PA

Bachelors of Engineering

Major: Electrical and Computer Engineering

Minor: Robotics

Aug 2023 - Present

Software Engineer Intern @ Bloomberg LP

Princeton, NJ

Initiated development of a full stack application leveraging React, TypeScript, Node.js, and Express.js to allow users to easily search for Financial Instrument Global Identifiers from Bloomberg’s internal database. Utilized TypeScript, Express.js, and React for server-side development and front-end rendering.

Sep 2022 - Jan 2023


Lane Departure Warning System

Developed a real-time Lane Departure Warning System using Raspberry Pi, Coral USB Accelerator, Raspberry Pi V2 Camera Module, and TensorFlow.

  • Python
  • OpenCV
  • TensorFlow
  • Raspberry Pi
Projects I Worked On

Taekwondo Of Morganville Website

Developed a full stack website for a Taekwondo school employing Django and React, with user authentication and a functional contact form.

  • Python
  • Django
  • React
  • Tailwind
Projects I Worked On




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